Your conflicts can be deescalated and solved.
Mediation can take place in any location or online.
First talk:
All further details depend on your personal situation:
Once all stakeholders are informed and ok with the process, the mediation can start.
You might come across conflict during your individual coaching sessions:
Conflict in your nearest personal environment
If you
you may
How to book a time?
Our first meeting is about to get to know each other. There are no costs involved. Please click here:
How long soes it take until meditaion will achieve results?
The length depends on compleaxity of your case. Between 3-8 hours are a resonable first estimation.
I do not want to see my conflict partner, if I am talking to you, decribing what is bothering me, how do I manage?
Mediation can take place in different rooms art the same time. The technik is called shuttle mediation. I will be going back an forth until you decide to see each other.
What does it cost?
After our first exchange I will five you an estimation regarding length and costs of the process.
Can we do mediation online?
If it helps the process online is an option. This will always be discussed and agreed upon by all parties involved. A combination of both can also be a possibility.
For further questions please click on FAQ.